Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Closet Cleaning Blues

I was looking in my closet today trying to find something to wear.  I end up putting on 3 different shirts and didn't like a single one of them.  
I know y'all have been there before.  I already had one of the 2 pairs of pants that I own that I can be seen in public in that don't give me a giant muffin top, so that apparel choice was pretty much set, and I just thought to myself.....why do I have all these clothes in here that I don't like?   
cleaning out the closet blues new years resolutions
It's a valid question....I mean, did I like them at one point?  Did my vision change?      The answer my friends is NO.....  The answer is simple...DENIAL.

  I am living in denial.  So here is what we are going to do.   We are all going to take a deep breath.  We are going to roll on a lot of Chillout Rollerball and we are going to pony up my friends because this closet denial thing does not look good on anyone. 

So here are Tiffany's ways to get over your fears of cleaning out your closet!

Stop Telling Yourself Your "Too Fat"

So naturally, when you are trying to decide if you are going to keep something, you are going to try it on, right?  Well, normally when I do, if it is tight or ill-fitting, the first thing out of my mouth is, "I'm too fat to wear that anymore." Well, that little slogan is counterproductive. It makes you feel bad about yourself, and then somehow tricks you to into thinking that if you will just hold onto something long enough, you can will yourself back into it.
 However, I think a better and more fitting slogan is now going to be-


Think about it, it's the truth.  Sometimes one time in the washer and that super cute sweater turns into something my 3-year-old could wear, am I seriously going to beat myself up about that?  Even if the clothes don't fit anymore because of a change in the shape of your body- so what- would you rather squeeze into something just to prove you can and then have a raging case of camel toe, or actually have a comfortable pair of flattering pants on?
dog in sweater that is not flattering

It's Not Coming Back in Style

I am not a particularly trendy person, but even my clothes have some trend to them. Tops get longer, pants get skinnier, boots get shorter. Clothes that I have been clinging onto until I "could fit back into them again" are going to be WAY out of style by the time that I get around to losing that 10lbs that I keep talking about.  If you think the style is going to come back that quick, you are either a yo-yo dieter (no good for your body) or delusional.   Do yourself a favor and make like Elsa and Let It Go.
Even items that are "classics" that never go out of style- most certainly DO go out of style. Believe me, even I know that, and I wouldn't know fashion if it hit me with the broad side of a barn.  You know what's never in style...a camel toe.  Try to wear last year’s pants that are about 1-2 sizes too small and look in the mirror and you will see exactly what I am talking about. Even if you are not trendy such as myself- clothes that fit well are always in style.

The $$$$

I look at certain items of clothes and know how much I paid for them, and it pisses me off they don't fit anymore.   Now my husband doesn't know how much I paid or he would need a brown paper sack to breathe into, but we will save that blog for another day.   However, clothes are not like stocks.  They don't hold their value just sitting in your closet.  You pretty much have to consider them valueless the minute you purchase them (that's a good mentality to keep when you are clothes shopping for you shopaholics).   At this point, clothes that do not fit you are only taking up closet real estate and are of no real value to you if you cannot wear them.  (or should not wear them). 

money for sellin clothes Let's just say you can get past the mental strife of dealing with the fact that certain articles of clothes "No longer flatter you". How to do you make the best of the closet cleanout situation? So, how do you cope?

Sell Your Clothes

Some clothes in good condition can be worth some money. For the most part, this is worth it if they are brand name items that people can search for on places like eBay or Craigslist. Boutique clothes might be easier to sell on local sights like a Facebook for sale site, but make sure you include plenty of pictures, sizes, and the condition of your item.
THIS IS ALOT OF WORK, so I would only suggest this for higher dollar items to make it worthy of the time it takes to list and photograph them. People on sites like these are searching for keywords- like brand names, sizes, colors, etc. So when you list your items use as many keywords in your listings as possible so they can be found. 

Donate Your Clothes

  1. There are tons of super worthy causes out there that would love for you to donate to them. Goodwill, St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, The Red Cross, or check with your local church or mission house. Most all of these are tax-deductible, but you need to check your local tax laws and get a receipt for your taxes.  Plus there is the added benefit of knowing that you are helping people in need, so that's always a win-win situation. 

Have a Swap Party

  1. Clean your closet out - clothes, jewelry, shoes- (anything that just doesn't FLATTER you anymore).  
  1. Have your friends do the same- all shapes and sizes are welcome- you never know what goodies people are hiding in their closets. 
  1. Set up a low-key swap party- set out all the goodies arranged loosely by size-everyone is free to browse, try on, and take something if they like it. 
  1. There is no limit to what you can take or you don't have to take anything at all. What is left at the end of the night gets donated to charity.  Even if you don't find anything you love, you have had a good night with friends and your closet is clean. (If you want to set rules up for your swap you can, but I would much rather just have a fun low key night and try on clothes and see what looks good on everyone.)

clothes swap party
Think back to a time you have cleaned out your closet before.  Have you ever truly missed any items you have given away?   I know I haven't.  I honestly never gave anything I tossed out a second thought.  
As I gather thoughts for the new year, this will be my first conquest! 

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