Thursday, April 10, 2014

Let's Talk About How Fat I Was After I Had a Baby

I'm back!!!! Its your favorite (or not so favorite) blogger, back at it again. Why the break, you ask? It was really not on purpose. My kids are just making it their life mission to never let me do anything I enjoy ever again. For example...Sleeping, Eating, Sitting Down, Etc. So you can see how blogging might have been out of the question. My 7 month old has also entered the "I'm going to lose my sh*t every time you put me down" phase. Judging by my previous experience with this with baby number one, this will last probably another 9-12 months. By the end of it, I will have awesome arms, but not really awesome any other part of my body. This brings me to my next topic...

Let's talk about how fat I was after I had a baby.

So before some of you generally irritating people get all offended at the term "fat," let me tell you what my definition is

Fat: (phAT):     Being in a state of chunkiness that is far beyond what your body was cut out for.

So smaller people can be fat, larger people can be not fat. Its a relative term. If you are still offended, please file your complaints to the complaint department at 1-800-KISS-MY-A$$.

SO seriously, after I had baby number 2, I was not looking so hot. There was about 10lbs that refused to come off with my previous methods of eating whatever I wanted and not exercising. Don't hate me, but with my first baby, the weight literally just fell off. Granted, I spent the better part of 9 months, heaving into toilets all across the southeastern United States. I only put on 23lbs with that pregnancy. So afterward, within about 10 days it was gone. Now, I'm not saying that I looked the same by any measure. Lot of skin flapping around that didn't belong, but that all important number on the scale was the same. Eventually the skin tightened up some, but honestly never all the way. Still, I made it out pretty good considering.

Pregnancy number two- I was sick, but not quite as sick. So less barfing along with having to care for a toddler while pregnant, led to some less than desirable life choices. So this time I put on 30lbs. Still within the "normal" weight gain category for pregnancy, but I could totally tell this time some of that was fat and not just baby. It took my scrub pants actually cutting off the circulation in the lower half of my body to make me realize that this time I might have fallen into the "I'm pregnant, so I might as well eat" trap.

This time I came home from the hospital with 15lbs to lose to get back down to my normal. The first couple of days, the number on the scale went down slowly, but mentally I was okay with any number in the downward direction. Then about 3 weeks after I had baby, that number just stuck at 10lbs above my normal weight. This made me incredibly cranky and after a week of looking at the same number on the scale, I decided that it was time to get serious.

I started logging my calories on myfitnesspal and walking 2 miles daily. Believe me, I didn't want to. Actually the first couple weeks of it, I felt homicidal. This was probably a combination of hunger, sleep deprivation, and general fatness that led me to feel this way, but the threat level around this house was at a definite orange. I did start seeing the number come down some, and I was able to get those 10lbs gone, but it took a total of 3 months to do it.  As for the loosy goosy skin issue, well hell, I'm still waiting for that to get better. I'm hoping to go to bed one night and my fairy Godmother will come around and just happen to be a board certified plastic surgeon.  Until then, I guess I will still continue to have a slight muffin top unless I am standing.
I can not believe that I am actually going to post this, but this is me after baby #2:
 2 Days, 9 Days, and Finally 3 Months

Why do I tell you this? Its because it any of you fine ladies are thinking about having a second baby, you just need to be aware that it truly is harder to lose the weight. I guess I just thought that was something that everyone always said. Its not!

So here is the plan ladies. We need to ban together and as a group, make fat and flabby the new sexy. I know it seems ridiculous, but I promise it can be done. Look at the people that somehow tricked us into thinking that "ombre"hair was a style choice and not just being too lazy or poor to touch up your roots. Until that is accomplished, I am going to seriously have to reconsider my swimwear selections this year :)

In my day,  people, this was just called ROOTS

1 comment:

  1. i understand completely. but with my first child i still have 21 lbs to lose and have been logging for 45 days and working out..shes 6 months old...
